Friday, October 2, 2009

Properly Exercising Faith - People Who Represent Christianity

It's your responsibility as a Christian to properly exercise your faith and to express your opinions as such. If you don't know something for a fact, you are obligated to seek and gather more information about these so-called facts.

With this said, if you hear a Bible verse quoted to you by someone and you don't necessarily understand 100% of what they are saying or you think that they might be twisting around the Scripture, it's your obligation to find out, the truth and nothing but the truth.

Let me give you an example of how to properly exercise your faith. An atheist walks up to you and asks you why you believe in God, you reply," Because it says so in the Bible." Wrong.., wrong answer. Because it says so in the Bible, isn't what I would consider a good answer. It's what I would consider to be a controlled Christian answer, simple but untrue.

The minute that you start referring to things in the Bible and you don't really understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not doing Christianity any favors. The minute that you listen to another person quote out of the Bible and start repeating, what it is that they were saying, without clearly understanding the truth, you're simply spreading rumors.

Think about this, the next time that you tell someone something that you heard, just because you hear something three times, doesn't make it a fact. I would like to tell you a little secret, so pay attention, simply because someone within your religious community, who others look up to, say something that sounds believable, don't start spreading rumors, find out for yourself, if it's actually true.

Christian Bible Problems

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Understanding the Bible

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

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If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are Your Prayers Being Answered by God - Christianity

I spent a large portion of my life praying for things that never seem to come about, like most of us. I would pray for a better life, help with solving certain problems, good health, a new car, to attract abundance into my life, wealth and happiness. I can tell you that I am in good health and have a better life than I used to but I never got the new car and seemed to have a hard time solving certain problems that I was praying for.

Now here's the catch in Christianity. If I pray for something and I get it, great God has blessed you and you must have done something good to receive what you had prayed for. If you don't receive what you prayed for within the next couple of days, maybe it isn't the right time to receive what you were asking for. If I receive what I have prayed for after that, God has answered my prayers and has given me what I needed at the right time. God knows best and I will continue to pray.

When I ask someone who prays often, how do you really know that God has answered your prayers. In Christianity, I'm talking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about Zeus, Krishna, or any other unspecified creator of the universe. How do you really know that your God has given you what you ask for.

Now think about this for a second, I know that as a Christian you believe in your God but what if, the Hindu god Indra has actually answered my prayer and blessed you. How do I know that Jesus is not one of the Hindu gods, hiding under another name. Could I actually be manifesting my desires from the universe somehow and I am actually God. Think about it, if this doesn't make sense to you, have you ever thought about why yours does.

The minute that I accept something as a fact, I have closed my mind to other possibilities. The world was flat at one time and now it is round. I do not accept the earth has being round, simply because someone has told me this. I can look at pictures, read books, watch movies and come to my own conclusion that there is a very good chance that the earth is round, but I can't seem to forget at one time people thought the earth was flat.

Most of us never even question what we are taught. If you were taught that Jesus, Krishna, Satan or any other god answers your prayers, that's what you probably still believe. Whether your prayers are being answered or not, does not guarantee the existence or deny the existence of God. What you're thinking caps on, Seek and You Will Find.

Eliminate Bible Propaganda

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're Interested in Christianity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Affirmations - Far More Than Just Positive Thinking

When someone mentions affirmations, the first thing that comes into your mind is positive thinking. The classic positive thinking affirmation was created by Dr. Emil Coue. "Everyday in every way, I get better and better. The idea behind this type of affirmation is to create new positive habits and thoughts. This works very well but, it is only half of the story. There is another type of affirmation and it is just as important as positive affirmations.

The problem is that the subconscious mind accepts any belief without question. For example, the old belief that you wish to replace is that wealthy people are greedy. You have heard this throughout your lifetime and it becomes set in stone in your subconscious. When you realize that you have this false belief, normally, you would create an affirmation that will give you a new belief. For example, you might start using an affirmation like: I am grateful that my wealth grows each and everyday for with great wealth I can do great good.

This is an excellent new belief for your subconscious but, it also creates a problem. Although the subconscious has accepted this new belief, it has also created a conflict in your mind. Although you have created a new positive belief, it has not eliminated the old negative belief that rich people are greedy. Both beliefs are existing side by side in your mind and the old belief still has it's self-limiting effects.

What I use to overcome the old negative thought pattern is what I call a reprogramming affirmation. The point of this is to convince the subconscious that the old self-limiting belief needs to be eliminated from the data bank. Reprogramming affirmations tend to be somewhat more complex than positive affirmations.

For example, my reprogramming affirmation might read something like: Many people say that the rich are greedy but this is a false belief. Rich people have an abundance mindset and readily give away large portions of their income because they know that their is a limitless supply of wealth. For example, Bill Gates out of the kindness of his heart has created numerous philanthropic organizations and given away millions of dollars of his personal worth to help the poverty stricken of the world. He is super rich but obviously not greedy.

The subconscious is not capable of judgment. It runs automatically in the background and helps us make it through the day. It is our conscious responsibility to control and correct any data that is held within it's data banks. Properly programmed, the subconscious will rapidly propel us toward limitless wealth and self-fulfillment. But, only when there are no conflicts within the data of this most powerful of digital computers.

Stan Pontiere has been an avowed self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. For more information on self-fulfillment please visit: or my blog at:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Aren't You Using the Secrets of Self Help to Be Happy?

Now that you are reading this article, chances are, you are looking for tips and self help to be happy in your life. In today's hectic world, there are many people who are stressed out so this is not unusual. The real object of human existence is after all to be happy. In fact, this is why we want more money, more quality time, more comfort and so on. As the Dalai Lama said "The purpose of life is to BE HAPPY".

Because the sad part is that there are many people who do have more money, more quality time and more comfort but still feel unhappy.

One of the biggest information searches is for free self help ebooks and personal development articles to help people to be happy.

There is many a free self help ebook online. The key is to find something that feels right for you at the time of your search. There are self help books that were written many years ago by authors of a different era, some were written about a decade ago and some, only a few years ago. The self help books of long ago may be interesting, but these are cumbersome in the fact that the English used is more complex than what we are used to now.

Getting the self help to be happier in life should be simple and straight forward. Like C. Kingsley said "We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really HAPPY is something to be ENTHUSIASTIC about."

I have found a self help website created by Helene Malmsio that has around 200 free self help books in many subjects to suit the various areas of your life that needs some self improvement. It is unusual, as this site doesn't need you to register or pay membership fees, or even to subscribe to a newsletter, to be able to download as many self help ebooks as you want. Some sites actually require you to be a registered member in order for you to use its online self help features which you can access through the links on the site, or through an interface.

The following is an excerpt from the site to help you better manage your emotions:
You might look at the following strategy and think "Oh No! Not more of this simplistic - quick fix - nonsense". Please don't discard this powerful concept just because it is so SIMPLE. Simple doesn't always mean EASY. You have to apply yourself - consistently - with a genuine desire to improve your emotional wellbeing, THEN you will get powerful results.

Go on - Try this straightforward self help exercise - answer the questions and notice how you feel when you think about the answers......

"What am I most enjoying in my life right now?" (as Tony Robbins says, don't say "Nothing!" Instead ask yourself "If I could be enjoying something in my life right now, what would that be?")

Then ask yourself: "What about that do I enjoy?"

Then ask yourself: "How does that make me feel?"

Then next ask yourself: "What am I most happy about in my life right now?"

Then ask yourself: "What about that makes me feel happy?"

Notice how your emotions react to the experience of dwelling or thinking about the good and sweet things in your life. If you like the feeling and want more of it, just keep asking yourself the right questions.
When you start each day asking yourself questions that generate a feeling of pleasure, excitement, enthusiasm, just by the act of answering them, your day gets off on the right path.

Try designing self help questions that suit your life or interests, maybe straightforward ones like

* What am I excited about in my life now?
* What am I grateful about in my life now?
* What am I most looking forward to in my life today?

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to apply this self help strategy, do you? All you need is the DESIRE to improve your day and then make the commitment to actually APPLY it every morning for at least 30 days. It will work.

Any self help tool, no matter how powerful, only works when you work it.
So what is stopping you from using the secrets of self help to be happy? To quote Abraham Lincoln "Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be."

Again, the key is to look for places that give you plenty of online free resources and tips on self help to be happy. Then remember, you need the commitment to becoming happier by implementing the tools and technology that you learn from them.

If you would like to get some of those free self help ebook downloads I mentioned in the article , just go to the site below where you can also get hundreds of self help articles on how to be happy and love your life here:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Will You Be Giving Organic Hampers This Christmas?

The Christmas period is a great time for many people, it's a chance to spend time with family and friends and just unwind from the busy year that you have had. Food and drink is also a main part of the festive holidays and it's a time of chocolates, sweets, rich foods and of course that all important Christmas dinner.

Choosing quality foods is an important part of everybody's life and helps you maintain a healthy body. Organic hampers are a great Christmas idea because the foods in them taste better; they are simply more animated and lively.

With organic foods you are in taking a lot less chemicals so your body doesn't have to work as hard disposing the materials, instead your body can concentrate its attention on getting the goodness from that specific food type, and with Organic hampers you are guaranteed a high quality of foods and drinks.

By taking time and browsing around the Internet for ideas you can create your own custom made organic hamper or if you would rather save time there are a plethora of online stores that sell ready made hampers that you can get delivered straight to the gift receiver's house.

This year a hamper will serve much more of a purpose than other years due to the financial situation of the country. So people are having to spend money but in return will get a nice organic Christmas hamper to stock up their cupboards and drinks cabinets for the New Year, it's a gift that is sure to be appreciated.

Gemma loves spending her free time writing articles on ideal purchases that can save you money at funky hampers

The Brilliance of the Bagua

Today, people are folding more and more Feng Shui practices into their lives. Restaurants, malls, shops and even public places have realized the remarkable usefulness of Feng Shui and its many facets. One of the most important aspects of Feng Shui is the Bagua. The Bagua is an octagonal mapping system that is designed to help you understand how to maximize your energy. The Bagua is a great tool to bring all the elements of Feng Shui into perfect synchronization.

The nine aspects of the Bagua, and thus Feng Shui, correspond to integral parts of our life and must be harmonized for optimal results. It's an accepted fact that

subtle vibrations play a very important role in our lives. The right vibrations can help is achieving prosperity while the wrong ones can create problems in our lives. According to the Bagua, there are nine areas of our lives, namely: family, health, relationships and love, prosperity, fame and reputation, creativity and children, skills and knowledge, helpful people and travel, and career.

Feng Shui and the Bagua suggest people with money problems concentrate on prosperity. The associated elements are water, wood, and the color purple. When you want your fame to grow, then the area of fame and reputation is to be concentrated upon in Bagua. This aspect is governed by the elements of fire and wood. The color of this aspect is red. If you want to enhance or initiate a new relationship, then you need to concentrate on the area of relationship and love in Bagua. The color of this aspect is pink and it's ruled by the elements of earth and fire.

These days there are a lot of divorces happening across the world. If you have a family issue that needs to be sorted out then you need to concentrate on the family area of Bagua. This aspect has the main element as water. The colors associated with this aspect are green, black and blue. If you are suffering due to your health, then you can harmonize the health aspect of Bagua. The colors related to this area are yellow, brown and orange. Health is governed by the components of fire and earth.

Children tend to have a number of developmental adjustments to deal with as they grow. Feng Shui and the Bagua has an answer to a number of age-old problems. The Bagua is designed to help children by optimizing their space and their environment. Child development is governed by the color yellow and earth tones. Life skills and knowledge and prosperity can all be enhanced by the use of this powerful design mechanism.

H. Reich